Thursday, August 20, 2009

It's unbeWEAVable!!

It's unbeWEAVable, how many women these days wear weaves!!!! Why is this happening? Some women say "it's to help with making their hair wavy or curly", but I think it is an insecurity issue. People!! Remember black women aren't the only one's who wear weaves!!!! Do you guys wear weaves?





  1. Hollywood is fake in general. This is actually one of the least invasive "enhancments" that heppens in Hollywood. You have Botox, nose jobs, boob jobs, tummy tucks, face lifts, capped teeth, and the list goes on. As for normal women that choos to wear weaves,(or any hair style: corn rows, Jheri curl, plats, or dyes etc.) if it helps build confidence and is not damaging to their bodies, I think it is positive. Just make sure you do it because you like it, Not because society (or a man/woman) says you have to look a certain way. Thank you ladies, for being so beautiful in whichever way you choose to express yourselves. ~Nick

  2. i dun wear weavers!anyway pls comment my blog,since i'm new.....(
